Urban Harvest Ministries

Wherever He Leads

The on-line home of Rodney and Vicki Barnett

John 21:6

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Urban Harvest Ministries is a multi-faceted ministry that is committed to reaching the lost through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a personal ministry of Rodney and Vicki Barnett that includes working with local ministries doing evangelistic events such as Block Party Ministry, Mexico Ministry, Evangelism Classes, Truck Stop Ministry,  Prison Ministry and Prayer Ministry. Please peruse this site for information of a general nature and to donate to this important outreach. For  more updated information and to see pictures, results and testimonies from recent outreaches please visit our Facebook page.

Entire site copyright 2016, Urban Harvest Ministries - P.O. Box 8844, Lumberton, TX. 77657 - Tel. (409) 246-1467. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.